P3% AR

Fomtec P3% AR is an alcohol resistant protein foam concentrate (P-ARC)

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P3% AR


Fomtec P3% AR is a fluorine-free alcohol-resistant protein foam concentrate formulated from hydrolyzed protein hydrolysate, hydrocarbon surfactants, polymers, solvents, and stabilizers. It effectively suppresses fires involving hydrocarbon fuels and polar solvents. The recommended application rate is 3% concentrate to 97% water.


  • Fluorine-free alcohol-resistant protein foam
  • Freeze protected
  • Suitable for Class A and B fires
  • Low and medium expansion foam


Fomtec P3% AR meets IMO 1312 standards for Class B hydrocarbon fuel fires like oil and diesel, and polar solvent fires such as IPA and acetone. It also combats Class A fires involving wood, paper, textiles, and more. Typical applications include high-risk installations like marine environments where IMO and MED requirements apply.

Typical Properties:

  • Appearance: Dark brownish liquid
  • Specific Gravity at 20°C: 1.08 ± 0.020 g/ml
  • Viscosity at 20°C (Spindle #4, 60 rpm): < 2500 mPas
  • pH: 6.0 – 8.5
  • Freezing Point: -5°C
  • Recommended Storage Temperature: -5°C to 55°C
  • Suspended Sediment (v/v): < 0.2%

Storage and Shelf Life:

When stored in its original, unbroken packaging, Fomtec P 3% AR has a shelf life exceeding 5 years in temperate climates. Shelf life depends on storage temperatures and conditions. For storage recommendations and material compatibility, please refer to Fomtec Technical Advice FTA 10.


For more detailed information, please visit the Fomtec P 3% AR product page.

If you have any questions, require further details about our products, or need assistance with placing an order, please feel free to contact us. Our team is here to help and ensure you have all the information you need.


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